Client: Johannesburg Water
Project: Johannesburg Pressure-Reducing Valve (PRV) Maintenance and Zone Sectorising
Project: Johannesburg Pressure-Reducing Valve (PRV) Maintenance and Zone Sectorising
Location: Johannesburg, South Africa
Contract: 2 years (2013-2015)
The project involved the following tasks:
- Assessment of 764 hydraulic control valves and servicing of 542 of those in the Johannesburg Water system
- Logging of Pressures and Flows in each PRV zone before and after the servicing of PRVs
- Confirming the zones discreteness for 267 PRV zones
- Installation of pressure controllers at selected PRVs
- Preparation of an Operation and Maintenance Manual for each PRV zone
- A web-based database was prepared for the project to manage and store all the information used on the project
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